One study by the CDC found that one in every 25 persons admitted to dozing off at the wheel within a 30-day period. While this is certainly a scary number, it does not give a complete picture of the situation. Though not every sleepy motorist causes an accident, they all pose a risk to other travellers.
In 2020, the most recent year for which data is available, 633 persons lost their lives in crashes caused by fatigued drivers, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. The majority of incidents caused by sleepy drivers do not end in fatalities. Accidents involving sleepy drivers account for roughly 100,000 annual reports to police, with thousands of victims suffering life-altering injuries. You have the right to hold a sleepy driver accountable and demand full recompense for any harm they’ve caused you or a loved one. Discuss your situation with an experienced Glen Falls truck accident lawyer.
Drowsy driving is surprisingly prevalent, and the first full week of November is Drowsy Driving Awareness Week, a great time to learn more about the risks involved. The week dedicated to raising awareness about the dangers of drowsy driving is also a great time to make a fresh start on your efforts to reduce the risk of collisions caused by fatigued drivers.
Several dangerous consequences stem from drowsy driving. The following are some of them:
- Slower cognitive performance and reaction times, as well as impaired decision making, are symptoms of delayed reaction time.
- Absence or Decreased Risk Aversion
- Twenty hours of sleep deprivation is statistically similar to driving under the influence of alcohol, according to a number of studies. The National Safety Council reports that drowsy driving increases the risk of an accident by a factor of three.
The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s Large Truck Crash Causation Study indicated that drowsy driving contributed to one in eight truck accidents. Accidents involving large trucks caused by a drowsy driver are more likely to involve several parties than accidents involving passenger vehicles. They are also associated with a higher risk of severe or fatal injury. It is imperative that you seek the counsel of an experienced attorney in the event of such accidents so that they may conduct a thorough investigation into the circumstances, determine who is at fault, and assist you in pursuing compensation for damages in excess of what your insurance policy covers.