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How To Detail Your Car At Home – The Easiest Way

Detailing your car at home can be a daunting task. Buying a new car? You’ll need to detail it after you get it home. The car you just got rid of? Too bad, can’t do anything with it now. For some reason detailing your car at home is frowned upon by the majority of car enthusiasts. However, there are ways to detail your car even if you don’t have access to a professional auto detailer in your area. You can visit CL Auto Detailing, the best car detailing in Kitchener. Now that we got that out of our system let’s discuss how you can detail your car without a professional! Before we get into the details let’s talk about what detailing your car isn’t: Spending tons of money on products or services that won’t improve the appearance or performance of your vehicle. Detailing Your Car Isn’t: Paintwork, window tinting, getting an interior cleaning service, or having someone wash and wax your exterior every 6 weeks.

What Is Proper Car Detailing?

Proper detailing is a collection of steps that are performed to achieve a specific and desired effect on your vehicle. Proper detailing is not the same as car washing. When most people hear the word “detailing” they immediately think of a car wash. If you are like most people then you are doing some of the wrong things when it comes to car detailing. The steps that you take during detailing are not only important for the look, feel and smell of your car but they are also the steps that ensure that your car is safe to drive and protected from the elements. During proper detailing you will be washing your car with specialized car wash products that will clean your car’s paint, clay bars will remove any residual wax that may be on your car’s paint, and an abrasive cloth will be used to remove any imperfections in your car’s paint, an air hose and pressure washer will be used to clean your car’s wheels and undercarriage, interior cleaning products will be used to clean your car’s seats and carpets, and finally a wax or sealant will be applied to protect your car’s paint and clear coat finish.

How To Detail Your Car At Home

Whether you are detailing your car at home or detailing your motorcycle, truck, or RV, there are a few things that you should keep in mind when going about it. When detailing your car at home you don’t have access to the same equipment or chemicals that a professional detailer does, and that is perfectly okay! The most important is that you take your time and detail your car properly. Here is how: Before you begin, make sure that your car is completely dry and clean. While it is best to detail your car when it is dry, you can still detail it when it is slightly wet. However, detail your car as soon as possible after you are done washing it. There are a few things that you need to clean while your car is dry. Make sure to clean the windows and door jams to remove any dirt or debris that may have accumulated there during the wash. Clean the wheels and brakes to remove any excess dirt and brake dust. And lastly, clean the undercarriage of your car. The undercarriage of your car is usually covered in dust and dirt, which is why you didn’t see it during the wash. Clean it off so that it isn’t transferred to the rest of your car.

Step 1: Clay Bar & abrasive cloths

In this step, we will be using clay bars to remove any built-up residue from the paintwork, remove the wheel lip moldings, and remove any hard-to-reach areas on the vehicle’s undercarriage. Clay bars are fine-grade steel that has been coated in a polymer orbit mixed with clay. Clay bars are used to remove any hard-to-remove defects on the paintwork such as swirl marks in the paint, orange peel in the clearcoat, and hard-to-reach areas like wheel lip moldings, wheel arches, and rocker panels. While clay bars will remove the above-mentioned imperfections in the paintwork they are also used to remove any wax residue, oxidation, iron oxide (aka “tar“), and clear coat scratches. Clay bars are used on a rotary buffer, which applies increased pressure to the paintwork while mixing the clay with the paintwork. A rotary buffer creates a super slick surface while removing any imperfections in the paintwork.

Step 2: Chemical Guys Signature Detailing Wash

Once your vehicle is clay-barred and has been clay-brushed, it is now time to wash your vehicle. During this step, you will be using a dedicated car wash liquid or a detergent. You can use a concentrated car wash or a low suds car wash. However, be sure to avoid using a self-leveling or foaming car wash as these were formulated for interiors and will leave too much moisture in your paintwork. You also need to make sure that you avoid using a wash that is too harsh on your paint as well as interiors. Make sure to look for the following when choosing a wash for your vehicle:

 – Make sure that the wash you use does not contain any acids or alkalines.

 – Make sure that the wash you choose is phosphate-free. 

– Make sure that the wash you choose is safe for your paintwork.

Step 3: Chemical Guys Waterless Dry Shampoo

When detailing your car at home, you will need to shampoo your vehicle’s seats and carpets. Dry shampoo will be used to remove any excess oils, water, and dirt in your vehicle’s carpets and seats, as well as any stubborn stains. Dry shampoos are designed to work as a substitute for washing your vehicle with water. They are designed to be sprayed directly onto the carpet and brush out the dirt from the carpet fibers. Once your vehicle is shampooed it is now dry and can be polished. Two types of polishes can be used for your vehicle: rotary and pad. Rotary polishes are designed for use with a rotary buffer and pad polishes are designed for use with a pad.

Step 4: Gloss Enhancing Sprinkle Shampoo

Now that your vehicle has been clay-brushed, shampooed, and polished it is now time to apply a sealant. A sealant is a polymer-based product that will protect your vehicle’s paint and clear coat finish from UV rays, dust, water, and oxidation. The best time to apply a sealant is when your paintwork is still wet. Sealants come in a variety of types and brands, so you will have to research the right one for your vehicle. You will now want to apply a sealant with a synthetic or natural bristle applicator. Some applicators come with a variety of brush sizes and shapes to accommodate different types of vehicles. Pick out an applicator that matches the type and size of your vehicle. You will now want to apply the sealant in the direction of the vehicle’s grain.

Step 5: Final Tips

After detailing your vehicle, you may want to wax your car. Wax is a polymer-based product that will protect your vehicle’s paint and clear coat finish from UV rays, water, and oxidation. The best time to apply wax is when your paintwork is still wet. There are many different types of waxes available and some are better suited to protect certain types of paintwork. Look for the car wax that has been designed to protect your car’s paint and clear coat finish. Waxes come in a variety of forms such as spray, paste, and liquid. Pick out a wax that has been designed for your vehicle. Keep in mind that the more often you detail your car, the easier and quicker it will become for you. With that said, practice makes perfect, so don’t be discouraged if this is your first attempt at detailing your car.

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